Posts Tagged ‘Olympus DSLR’

the smell we love about autumn colors

More naked trees without their foliage.

more CO2, originally uploaded by Costelodc.

autumn when leaves fall on the ground and the trees remain naked without their foliage it is released a parfume that only in this one season we can smell. the vivid colored landscapes makes people to love autumn and prepair for winter.

rouge flower

rouge fleur

Springing Flowers, originalmente cargada por Costelodc.


Colored Flower with leaf as background _ BY Costelodc

BiColor, originally uploaded by Costelodc. 

Created in a sad day. The colors are real … as real it can be.

I am back

Spring Yellow Flower for my return to my hobby

Garden, originally uploaded by Costelodc.

I was busy with a project but now I’m back.